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Questions and Answers
What should I put on my 3.3u wii to play backups? should i put cios_fix or cios rev 14. im a noob at this so can you explain. all i want to do is play backups without the 002 eror. can comeone please help me?

BUZYAHAZZ replied: "Go here this is the easiest tutorial to follow by far disregard it being labeled for 4.1 it works with all wii's ..... except the LU64 & 65 "

Which cIOS to use for wii 3.3U? I'm on wii menu version 3.3U and I've got the HBC already installed but I don't know which cIOS installer to use (which one is safe for my wii...) Also, cIOS will make the Backup Launcher work, right? or is there some other step I'm missing?

Derek and Quentin replied: "NETGEAR"

Vergil902 replied: "any cios is safe for any firmware version of any wii. if your serial code is lu64+ you have to use cios 13, if not i recommend rev 10 rev 14 (which is coming out very soon) will be the final and best ver."

Should I use IOS Downgrader on my 3.3u Wii ? I have only put The Homebrew Channel so far. I don't know how to use IOS Downgrader so can you put details of how to do it.

Sparx replied: "ios downgrader is an app that replaces 4.0 with 3.4. i think you're fine if you're on 3.3. you can update through homebrew to get 4.0"

How can I hack lu63 wii with 3.3u? ^^^ I know that LU63xxxxxxxx Wii's can be softmodded, I just dont know the steps from this. Do I need to upgrade first, I know I cant downgrade with this version. If anyone has a link for this or anything helpful that would be great.

Hayden replied: "DO NOT UPGRADE YOUR WII IF ITS AT 3.3U! its perfectly fine trust me go to and follow the instructions"

wii menu downgrader for 3.3U? i need to find an app that will downgrade my wii from 3.3U to something a little older. does anyone know of a program that will do this? i already have the twilight hack & hbc beta 9 on my wii

Mr. Schnoz replied: "WHY THE HECK WOULD YOU WANT TO DOWNGRADE UR WII????? IT'S BETTER NOT TO. WHAT'S THE POINT? Well, maybe there are some hacks blocked on the newer updates, BUT IT DOESN'T MATTER! WHO'D... oh, wait. Try changing your chip to something different and it might work."

wii 3.3u downgrade help? i need help down grading my wii i already know the risks but when its installing title it gives me the error -1035 does anyone know what it means because i want to downgrade to 3.2u any help

bigbadbob113 replied: "You cannot downgrade. Once you install the update, there is no way to remove it."

Gus W replied: "i got the downgrader on homebrew channel i have 3.3u its possable but i dont have any links"

is there a way to get homebrew channel on a 3.3u wii? i need help

Living IN Arizona 2 HOT! replied: "yes"

Why can't I get Wii Homebrew Channel to work on my 3.3U Wii? Copied the error message: Flushing IPC Transactions...Done. Closing file descriptors...Done. Releasing STM Callback...Old callback released! Ok. Getting SD card status: 00000001 sd_reset_card(): got reply = 49340000 Card status: 00000700 [STANDBY] Selecting card: Card status: 00000900 [TRANSFER] sd_set_blocklength(512) sd_set_bus_width() SD card detected USBGecko serial interface not detected Loading FAT: OEM name: , 0 bytes/sector, 0 sectors/cluster, 0 reserved sectors, 0 FATs, FAT32. FAT size = 0 FAT starts at sector 0x6964 , starts at sector 0x 6964 Reading boot.dol: boot.dol not found (-1), reading boot.elf: Failed to read boot.elf (-1)! No code found to load, hanging. What's causing this?

bluenblackstraw replied: "The fact that you're using homebrew?"

Bobby N replied: "wtf is homebrew?"

Deitrick replied: "lol guys you need to shut the hell up if you don't know what this stuff is. You need to download this on the page use the link by the word .dol make sure it is named boot.dol place it in the root of the sd card (the very first directroy, the beginning) then try it again"

When installing the Homebrew channel on a Wii, I have version 3.3u I get and error message. ? When installing the Homebrew channel on a Wii, I get and error message. ? I downloaded the Wii HomeBrew Channel last night and it worked perfectly. Until maybe 30min later, the channel somehow go deleted off my Wii. So I've tried to put it back on, using the same steps as I used before. But I get this message when it's installing saying "ES_AddTicket failed: -2011" does anyone know how to fix this? or what does it mean? How can I get around this?

how do i downgrade my wii from 3.4E - 3.3U? i want to do it because i cant do the twilight hack

the3rdmuffin replied: "you can do the twilight hack with 3.4 just go to this website ,download it, and put it on your sd card"

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